Our Events
During the challenges of 2020, Fraser and Fraser took their expertise online, with a series of acclaimed free webinars for those who work in the legal or public sector spheres. Covering a range of topics and featuring guest speakers from across the industry, we answer the questions posed by delegates in real-time. You will also find links to various events we are hosting or exhibiting at, so feel free to come along.
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To register your interest in attending future webinars, please email marketing@fraserandfraser.co.uk with your full name, email address, and company name. If you missed them the first time around, you can watch all of our previous webinars here.

Upcoming Events Calendar

Wednesday 11 September, 2024 – Webinar with Hannah Rodgers

Care funding: supporting clients through a broken systemHannah Rodgers CPD Approved

From Hannah’s experience in advising both professional and lay attorneys and deputies in navigating two-tier care systems, Hannah will aim to explore some of the common issues and missed opportunities when securing care funding for vulnerable individuals:

  • Means tested funding vs non means tested funding
  • Common issues
  • Practical implications

This webinar is CPD Approved in principle

If you would like to join Hannah Rodgers, in this upcoming webinar, registration is now open.


Wednesday 25 September, 2024 – Webinar with Sarah Bolt

Litigation friends

Our guest speaker Sarah Bolt is a Senior Associate in the Wills, Trusts, and Estate Disputes Team at Irwin Mitchell, working from their Bristol office. Hannah Rodgers (2)

During this webinar, Sarah will cover:

  • When are they required?
  • How are litigation friends appointed?
  • When, and how, can an appointment be challenged, and someone be removed?
  • What role does the Court of Protection have when a litigation friend is appointed in civil proceedings?
  • What about an appointment by a foreign court?
  • What entitlement, and liability, does a litigation friend have for costs?
  • Case law review: Hinjuja v Hinduja; Glover v Barker; and Shirazi v Shirazi.

If you would like to join Sarah Bolt, in this upcoming webinar, registration is now open.


Wednesday 20 November, 2024 – Webinar with Adam Draper


Predatory Marriage and Will Claims 

Registration will open soon


Wednesday 18 December, 2024 – Webinar with Sarah Bolt

Review of 2024 and looking forward to 2025 and beyond 

Our guest speaker Sarah Bolt is a Senior Associate in the Wills, Trusts, and Estate Disputes Team at Irwin Mitchell, working from their Bristol office. Hannah Rodgers (2)

During this webinar, Sarah will cover a Review of 2024 and looking forward to 2025 and beyond.
The webinar will explore:

  • Covering background to current situation, including summary of position pre-pandemic working through to 2024.
  • Trends in the sector.
  • Influencing factors – reasons behind the increasing number of inheritance disputes.
  • Round up of recent case law.
  • What to look out for in 2025 and beyond.

If you would like to join Sarah Bolt, in this upcoming webinar, registration is now open.



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